Retro Mania: Pop culture addicted in the past – Simon Reynolds

<Book> Retro Mania: Pop culture addicted in the past – Simon ReynoldsI remember that I was a good time in the party.I heard that the song I wanted to play music application for children who wanted to play a lot of music to the laptop and mobile phone.And I was surprised that the music, and he laughed at me.It is that I can’t ask you to find it in a bugs and YouTube.Perhaps I was twenty years old, I could not be funny.I admire my words that praise is the old generation of the old generation.However, the person who laughed at me, I didn’t have a young friend.It was the oldest in our age.He was originally interested, he was to take that attitude.I was uncomfortable, but I was silent because I was silent.I thought that the young friend was late, and I thought that the old friend was flying back to the stone before the old man was flying.The year, who is in the year, “I’m learning and learning.””I like a young child who was dyed in dancing school, so I like young children.””It was good to say that music and dance was very good.” But I was not good to live.”I couldn’t talk to you, but I wanted to ask you to ask you to ask you to ask you to ask you.Old is embarrassed.No, I must be ashamed.However, there is no more ugly clothes that are not more ugly.The recent words, the situation is inconvenient to be inconvenient to avoid the past words.It is because it is not that there is a great criticism during the joke.It is regrettable that you can’t be disappointed to avoid the boundary of the boundary.I’m trying to use the language and hide.It was because I didn’t use it to express the people in the way to express the people.Such ideas are very embarrassed to people who are now excited and now, and now, it is embarrassed to be embarrassed.The delay is worthwhile.It seems like a few days ago, and the Beatles’ photos exhibition.The field is a feeling of spiritual hospitality and receive valuable hospitality.The recent broadcast is mainstream.Why is the environment that is the environment that is the environment that is the environment?When the time is accumulated, YouTube is so that YouTube is so that the time of course, YouTube is random.The singer who forgot to see the master’s master’s label and run the tube again.I am happy to see the valuable materials, but there are many questions about the criteria are vague, but the plan and performance intention of planning and performance intention is suspicious programs.The hot place is a lot of retro mood, and the hot place, a hot place, telescope, telescope, and water-dong is a great boom.The hip star who has fallen into the city of furniture shops, furniture shops, furniture shops, iron and labor sites, and labor sites, and labor sites.The old generation of sincerity in the old generation is a unique taste.The owner and building maintenance will be good news to the owner and building a heavy print bundle and supplies, tools, tools, and the main materials.Simon Rayn’s former public culture, criticizes the public culture that was formed in the past.One moment, is there are many times, are the future?As a language of society, the future of society, the future of society, mortgage loans, mortgage loans, mortgage loans, mortgage loans, mortgage loans, mortgage, mortgage loans, mortgage, mortgage loans, mortgage, mortgage, mortgage loans.I’m not alive because I was born.But if you’re doing it, I eat wellI don’t live in rich.From the morning to night, doctors communicate with medicine and health food and life extension.It is not the dark future, but it is only a dark future.The government is suffering from a poor healthcare provider, and the government will be struggling to raise welfare funds.That’s the spirit and spiritual value was a long time.The age and high quality of resistance is delayed.My body is a poor, but the heart is poor.Do you have a revolutionary idea?It’s a great future that is not able to enter the future.However, the future of the future of the future, the future, the future, the future of progress.It is not natural that the young rock is not true?”One Japanese music fans wrote this blog.In 1980s, the deep blogger in Japan, the deep blogger, recently showed discomfort in the 1980s.bloggers like the originality, who liked the originality was a copy of the music was actually a copy of the unknown European music.Many songs were also intended for copying of many songs in Korea and 90s.If you go back, I don’t know where the European musician was copied again.The past, Korean mass culture has been mostly copied in Japan, and many copies of the United States.”I’m dying from Japan!” and the Korean soccer game, and the Korean soccer team, who was a sad song, and the Korean War, and the Korean War of the Korean War, and the Korean War.Of course, if you can do it properly, you can create a creative voice in my voice.Even though it was possible to eat Korea, the Internet is to eat, the Internet is to be slow and slow down.If you copy, I’ll find out the devil, it’s not necessary to receive things in smuggling.Who is the more stupidity to talk about the other things that they are saying that people are not to live in the originality of the originality of the originality of the originality.However, it was disappointed that he was a great impression, but after the U.S. and the United States, and the United States, and was accused of being accused of being accused of being accused of being criticized.Many interested content when reading.More than anything else worship culture.Of course, it is depressed in the same reason.If there is no new things under heaven, I can’t say that I can’t say that I’m completely created.But it is not to be depressed because it’s not going to be depressed.Is there a concept of progress and innovation?The concept of revolution is not to create a new thing, but it was originally a new thing to be originally created감지된 언어가 없습니다.

입력 언어를 확인해 주세요.February 2, 1979: Sid Vichas died of heroin overdose in New York – Art-Sheepby Maria Sofou Sid Vichas died young, cementing his reputation by leaving a mysterious memory of his infamous behavior and the death of his girlfriend Nancy Spungen. Despite his small contribution to punk music, Vicious remains one of its most famous names to this day. Born in Lewisham, London… art-sheep.comContributor: This is Kim Ok

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