와디즈 2023 크라우드펀딩 컨설턴트 양성과정 1기 수강신청

What instructors are waiting for you?Point 3 It is the only process to become the best expert in Korea in crowdfunding, which has established itself as an essential way for start-ups, prospective start-ups, and start-ups. We deliver all the data, information, and trend structures related to crowdfunding.What are the huge financial benefits of becoming a Wadiz crowdfunding expert (consultant)? Feat. Tuition for training courses can be recovered within a month if you wish20% off common discount for all participants to commemorate the launch of the 01 course (only the 1st and 2nd (Busan) will be applied)1st Week Crowdfunding Complete Conquest (3H)Crowdfunding’s Flower, Story Writing! Attractive Story Writing Methodology (3H)+Wardies Maker Top 20 will be selected as the most suitable maker according to the propensity of the studentsWeek 4 Funding Marketing, Secrets to Billion Funding (3H)Establishing your own sales strategy-Writing a sourcing list-How to write a consultant note 2. Detailed guidance on activities after Wadiz Funding Consultant 3. Overview of TEST and completion courses It is a process of practicing what you have learned so far so that you can use it in the real world. Based on what you have learned over the past four weeks, you will have time to meet the maker in person and practice how to communicate and approach it. In addition, the highlight of this course, we will provide detailed information on what you can do with ‘consultant qualification’.It’s finally starting. The first class of 2023 crowdfunding expert training coursePoint 2 If the project I introduced and opened is successful in funding, I will pay a portion of the funding amount as an additional incentive. Even if the company opens the project multiple times (even if I am not involved), the above incentives will be the same. ※Please refer to the simulation below for more informationWhat kind of help do the Week 2 makers need? (3H) ※Makers: call all individual businesses that fund Wadiz a maker.And the most amazing benefits. If you grant everyone a Wadiz consultant qualification and introduce a deal to Wadiz ▼▼▼ Pay a commission when the maker’s project opens! In addition, a portion of the funding is paid as an additional incentive! It’s not just a curriculum. The best and first opportunity to become a Wadiz crowdfunding consultant and become an expert in the startup ecosystem and generate steady profits every month.What is the schedule, location, and cost? 2.5 million won (including vat)Park Sang-hwan Track03 CEO 現 Wadiz Official Content Partner 現 Wadiz Official Marketing Partner 現 Wadiz PD Team Leader Funding Directing accumulated 20 billion won + more than 120 marketing lectures for Wadiz makers will be conducted in charge of attractive story writing in the third week of the Wadiz PD training course.Week 5 Consultant hands-on training and testing (3H)02 [Not overlapping with No. 1] 30% off discount for the relevant employee (details can be found when applying for a briefing session) and those who have worked for Diz Funding History Maker and Wadiz who have worked for public/government agency/University-related personnel in charge of start-up-related affairs Approved management instructors, start-up planners, venture capitalists, and other start-up-related experts (inquiries) University/ Graduate student (including doctoral program) Employees of companies under 7 years of founding (including representatives) and official partner companies of Diz (including representatives)There are many makers around you to introduce “Makers with experience in funding 03Wadiz”! Introduce makers and earn additional income!”After completing the Point 1, a crowdfunding expert (consultant) ‘certificate’ will be issued. If you have a certificate, you will be paid an introduction fee per case whenever you introduce a project (deal) to Wadiz! (approximately 100,000 won) Ex) When introducing 10 cases per month, 1 million won will be paid, and 1.2 million won will be paid per year when introducing one case per monthCrowdfunding experts (consultants)We will hold an online curriculum briefing session that will explain this course in great detail as follows. If you devote only 30 minutes, including Q&A, you will be able to understand the course in detail, so make sure to listen to the briefing session!Start-up, a must-take course for anyone who has even the slightest interest in starting a business! What can I gain after completing this course? Are these benefits really true?01 Start-up companies, start-ups, small and medium-sized enterprises, etc. Those who meet and connect with many people are required to take the course! It is equipped with an incredible weapon! “EX: start-up mentoring, consultant workers/start-up planners, management advisors, etcRead this and apply for it right awayPoint 4 Start-up consulting provides a variety of content, cases, and case studies that can be used for start-up activities! Provide a variety of case contents so that you can give individual lectures or use them whenever you plan various business plans in the future!02 Consulting person in charge of start-ups and early corporate development at public institutions, universities and companies, working-level officials”? You can consult with the best expertise at once!”EX: University start-up support group, start-up childcare center, start-up support team and fostering organization, etc05 With this opportunity, all office workers, entrepreneurs, and college students who want to study crowdfunding properly and fund it properly later onUnderstanding crowdfunding-Crowdfunding’s meaning, history, industry characteristics-Domestic and overseas funding cases, case analysis by category 2. Understanding Wadiz Service-Detailed Understanding of Wadiz Service Structure, Key Function Introduction Subjects The crowdfunding I know is just the tip of the iceberg? The true use of crowdfunding that the co-founder of Wadiz tells us! It reveals why crowdfunding will continue to be in the spotlight in the future, why it must be the most useful platform for early companies and launching new products, and all the know-how accumulated over the decade.Let’s take a closer look at the entire curriculum?Submitted ProjectNetworking among students taking Hidden Point together (to be held after completion)Choi Dong-cheol, co-founder of Wadiz, 現 Wadiz Impact, CEO of Wadiz Impact, 現 of Wadiz Education Project, former Wadiz Funding Director, Wadiz New Business, Affiliate Business Director More than 800 lectures on crowdfunding, and 200 special lectures on entrepreneurship, will be conducted in charge of practical training in the 5th week of crowdfunding.1. Let me know everything the Wadiz Maker needs.-Everything the maker wants to know, let’s hear it directly from the maker 2. Operational processes you must know to proceed with Wadiz funding-How to use Wadiz to understand everything in the operational process, from submission to settlement. If I want to consult, I need to know my client’s (maker’s) mind and needs first! First, I’ll start funding Wadiz when I know nothing, and then hear directly from Wadiz franchise makers who have billions of funding success experience. First step to becoming a “I need this, help me” consultant!Who should listen to it?There are so many things around 04 that I think would be good to fund from Wadiz! Everyone who wants to make money from the side jobYoon Yurim, a professional 現 in charge of Wadiz School in 現 of Wadiz School, and 100 + Progressive Funding Lectures in charge of Basic Education of Wadiz Maker will be conducted in charge of the funding process and policy/review for the second week of the Wadiz Workbook training course.Become a crowdfunding expert (consultant) to foster the ability to consult prospective founders, start-ups and start-ups, and small business owners on funding, and create the ability to actually help fund.Wu Chang Sung-ki, CEO of Giver’s leading 現 consulting agency, will be in charge of crowdfunding, brand, product setting, Wadiz PD team leader 600+ cases, accumulated 22 billion+ funding directions, experience in starting two repertoires such as funding beauty categories 1, 2, and 3, and the secret of funding marketing and billion won funding in the 4th week in the course of training more than 150 lectures.Discounts (up to 50%): Maximum discount applied > 1.25 million won03 [Duplicable with No. 1 and 2] Early bird applicants 10% off (midnight on September 5)1. How on earth do you write an attractive story? 2. Firing methodology to improve funding performance 3. Detailed design methodology for story structure and flow One of the reasons crowdfunding has become famous! It’s “You can see the authentic and attractive story” of startups and entrepreneurs. Not everyone can write well. Even if you write well, expressing it readably is another area. Even if you write well and read well, in the end, funding requires your product to be ‘paid’, so how on earth do you set the amount and how do you organize it? Star PD, who designed and succeeded in accumulating over 20 billion won in Wadiz, will reveal the know-how in detail! Look forward to it!Inquiry e-mail inquiry: [email protected] If you have any other questions, you can apply for an online briefing session and listen to it to resolve them most reliably.Be sure to listen to the online course presentation before you start your best chance to make money by becoming a crowdfunding expert (four times)1. Efficient advertising strategy 2. How to create a data-based funding marketing strategy 3. Communication strategy with supporters (consumers) – Use 100x notification application – Introduction to the initial, last-minute boosting methodology / Community law course overview Any product is good, and even if the story is good, how will you inform them? Efficient marketing doesn’t work just because it costs a lot. We will let you know the know-how to establish a marketing strategy by closely analyzing the data provided by Wadiz. The star PD, who swept the Wadiz project to the top of the funding sales rankings, will hand over all the know-how![Could overlap with 041, 2, and 3] Wadiz member 10% off (if not a member? 20 seconds to join)

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